News You Can Use

The Boston Globe recently selected Wrentham resident Joanna McFarlane as their Most Frugal New Englander (she won the contest they sponsored) and have published 14 of her money-saving tips. Tips #1 and #2 are library-specific:
Find free kids' events: Rather than paying for entertainment, see whether your local library hosts free children's storytime or playtime. McFarlane takes her children, Isabella, 2, and Catherine, 6 months old, to their library's weekly free half-hour children'... Read Post
Enter Somerville, a city packed with stories larger than itself, to salute a heritage that justifies the fierce pride of its citizens. Share a perch on one of Somerville's celebrated hills with Dee Morris and Dora St. Martin and watch the raising of America's first flag and the stringing of its first telephone line. Strolling from neighborhood to neighborhood, this brief history knocks on the doors of everyone from the father of Fenway Park to Missy LeHand, Franklin D. Roosevelt's private... Read Post