Sat, 03/14/2009 - 8:00am

The Boston Globe recently selected Wrentham resident Joanna McFarlane as their Most Frugal New Englander (she won the contest they sponsored) and have published 14 of her money-saving tips. Tips #1 and #2 are library-specific:
- Find free kids' events: Rather than paying for entertainment, see whether your local library hosts free children's storytime or playtime. McFarlane takes her children, Isabella, 2, and Catherine, 6 months old, to their library's weekly free half-hour children's time, which includes storytelling, singing, and parachute time.
- Take out books and movies from the library. Cancel your Blockbuster subscription, stop making trips to Barnes & Noble, and make your local library your movie rental store and book store. The library "is also my Blockbuster, where I get all my movies" McFarlane said. "I was surprised they have every single movie. It takes a little bit longer to get them than it takes via Blockbuster, but it's completely free so it's totally worth it."
Smart woman. For a list of all the free children's events coming up at YOUR local library click here. To browse all the free books and movies you can borrow, click here. Or better yet, just stop by. We'll be here.
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