Thu, 01/21/2021 - 12:00am

Beginning next month, SPL will have a new online book group: the Non Fic Book Club. We’ll be reading relatively short, approachable books chosen by group members, so if the word “nonfiction” makes you think of Robert Caro’s 3-volume biography of Lyndon Johnson, fear not.
For our first meeting we’ll be discussing acclaimed journalist Jon Ronson’s So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed, an exploration of what happens when, deservedly or not, social media users worldwide decide a person has done something horrible: perhaps someone made a lame joke on Twitter that was misinterpreted as racist, or a journalist was caught fabricating quotes for a book. Ronson is a perceptive, witty and deeply humane writer who wants to understand the consequences of shame, both for the people who suffer it, and the people who inflict it.
Our first meeting will be Wednesday, Feb. 3 at 7:30 pm. If you’re interested in joining, email Kevin O’Kelly at kokelly [at] and you’ll receive a Zoom invitation.
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