A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini is a great heart-wrenching book about the lives of two women, born a generation apart, and how they become entangled in an unlikely friendship amongst the ongoing wars in Afghanistan. I highly recommend it, either for summer reading or just for fun! It is very interesting and you can’t put it down once you’ve started reading it.
Hosseini’s first book The Kite Runner is now on my list of books to read in the near future.
P.S. Here... Read Post

On the application, there were 5 categories of jobs and you had to rank them in order of what you would like to do most.... Read Post

"Cup o' Joe with Joe" is the City of Somerville's employee recognition program to acknowledge the efforts made by those employees or departments who have gone above and beyond in their usual job responsibilities. This month's winners are the Library's own Jim and Thy! Congratulations guys, you earned it!