Mon, 06/05/2017 - 11:36am

Did you know that you can borrow eBooks and audiobooks from the library for FREE? You’re reading a library blog so the answer to that question might be “yes,” but we think it’s a fact worth repeating. Speaking of downloading eBooks from the library… Overdrive* has just released a spiffy new app called Libby. You can download Libby from the App store, Google play, or Microsoft. We’ve been tinkering with it at the Central branch, and are happy to report that the new app is great! If you’ve used Overdrive in the past, you’ll find Libby pleasantly familiar but easier to navigate and a bit more stylish too. There are some new features that avid readers will enjoy, such as a checkout log, tagging, and the ability to highlight and take notes within eBooks.
If you’re feeling a little nervous about this new app, don’t be! The old Overdrive app isn’t going anywhere so if you prefer it, you can keep it. We were also happy to see that all of our holds were intact when we switched over to Libby. Still nervous? Don’t forget that we are happy to answer any questions or even schedule a time to sit down and give you a tutorial to get you started. Feel free to get in touch with Lilly, our resident Overdrive enthusiast at or (617) 623-5000 x2961.
Learn more about Libby here.
*For those new to borrowing eBooks from the library, Overdrive is the company we use to connect patrons with eBooks
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