January 29th 2014

Somerville Public Library was one of ten libraries in the U.S. chosen to be a StoryCorps recording site! If you don't know what StoryCorps is, it's a foundation dedicated to honoring the lives of Americans by recording their stories. That means anyone. That means you. The story you record and share with us doesn't have to involve historic events or famous people. It just has to be important to you. That's what makes these stories matter. To hear some examples of StoryCorps recordings go here.... Read Post
November 25th 2013

Somerville Public Library is one of ten public libraries in the United States to be selected as a StoryCorps @ Your Library pilot site. Through this oral history project, we aim to record the stories, thoughts, and ideas of a diverse mix of 30-40 Somerville teens. Teens may be interviewed by or interview friends, family members, mentors, etc. Trained community facilitators will guide the interview process and handle all technical aspects for a comfortable interview experience.
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